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February - May 2021. Los Angeles, California.

When we were asked to provide a concept for a space to exhibit, and sell, our archive, we knew that in order to visualize a vision we first needed to experiment. 

An experiment in maximizing minimalism. Stripping down to the indispensable: can a shop be built utilizing nothing else but a handful of tools and a few materials?

An experiment in secondhand that isn't secondary. Because for us, secondhand is a primary.

An experiment in the three dimensional. For although much of our lives are now lived in the two dimensional (digital, that is) we are not giving up on the idea of meeting people, shaking hands, of physical exchange. That experience enriches all of us, intellectually and emotionally.

An experiment in looking forward; recognizing what our world needs (less stuff), and knowing that there's a place in that future for objects from our past. We believe they still have stories to tell. 

So many, in fact, we can get lost in them. 


What is the minimum indispensable for a retail experience? 

Can a shop be built using only a handful of tools and a couple materials?

How does one design fixture systems to allow daily evolution in a space? 

What is the purpose of retail beyond that of a place to transact?

Is it possible to build a store with less than $10k?

How does one enhance the experience and improve the functionality of shopping for vintage?

How important is permanence in retail? 

How does one maximize minimalism?

Related Research:




February - May 2021. Los Angeles, California.

When we were asked to provide a concept for a space to exhibit, and sell, our archive, we knew that in order to visualize a vision we first needed to experiment. 

An experiment in maximizing minimalism. Stripping down to the indispensable: can a shop be built utilizing nothing else but a handful of tools and a few materials?

An experiment in secondhand that isn't secondary. Because for us, secondhand is a primary.

An experiment in the three dimensional. For although much of our lives are now lived in the two dimensional (digital, that is) we are not giving up on the idea of meeting people, shaking hands, of physical exchange. That experience enriches all of us, intellectually and emotionally.

An experiment in looking forward; recognizing what our world needs (less stuff), and knowing that there's a place in that future for objects from our past. We believe they still have stories to tell. 

So many, in fact, we can get lost in them. 


What is the minimum indispensable for a retail experience? 

Can a shop be built using only a handful of tools and a couple materials?

How does one design fixture systems to allow daily evolution in a space? 

What is the purpose of retail beyond that of a place to transact?

Is it possible to build a store with less than $10k?

How does one enhance the experience and improve the functionality of shopping for vintage?

How important is permanence in retail? 

How does one maximize minimalism?

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